Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Big Reveal

We have a little less than three months left here and some of you may be wondering, where to next? Well, we finally have an answer for you. 

Since January, Cliff has been applying for teaching jobs in the western United States.  It's been a long three months filled with wondering what our future held, where we would be moving after this, and three months of interrupted sleep as he received calls from schools and participated in interviews at all hours of the night.  (yeah, it is really great that the 8 hours we sleep here match up perfectly with the 8 hours schools are open over there).

But, his hard work has proved worth it because after three years and way too many applications, Cliff has been offered a job teaching history at BASIS charter school in Phoenix, AZ. This is a huge blessing for us not only to know where we will be next year but for Cliff to finally  have the job  he has wanted and is so good at and for us to be able to move forward to the next steps of our adult lives.  

I am so proud of him and know he will do a great job.  We are also looking forward to moving to a new place, and seeing what it has in store.  Lucky for Cliff, whose dream was to live in Southern Utah close to the slot canyons, AZ is the next best place for canyons.  And we will already have a crew member or two there.  I also have some family we don't see very often over there.  

Now it's time for me to find a job (though I am really feeling bad for how hard I pushed Cliff now that I remember how much filling out applications sucks). 


  1. Ahhh! good for you two! did Sarah hook you up? oh and I'll be visiting ya'll in the fall and winter so expect me!
