Wednesday, July 16, 2014

In Which We Take the Train

I have to say, things have been pretty busy lately, but we've been having a pretty good time. This blog post is about my first experience with Amtrak. Of course, I've ridden on trains before. I did in Korea, in the blog post about our visit to Seoul and Gimcheon that Nancy never published. And, I will say that I think that my experience with Amtrak was slightly better than my experience with Korean trains, mostly because I didn't have to stand up for the better part of three hours.

Anyway, an increasing number of car problems resulted in us deciding to take the train to Reno to borrow a car that Nancy's parents graciously offered us to get to Tucson for our training. Nancy has taken the train a few times before, and I was looking forward to the experience, until it turned out that it was delayed five hours--FIVE HOURS, you guys. I mean, how does that happen? So, our train ride that was supposed to go from 9:30 pm until 8:30 am ended up going from 3:35 am (turned out it was delayed six hours in the end) to about 3:00 pm. 

Then there were problems en route. One of our engines broke so we had only one engine, and then it was too hot so we couldn't go faster than fifty miles per hour. The amazing thing was that people really weren't complaining about it. I was a bit surprised by that.. Generally Americans are crazy quick to complain, but not here. Everyone just seemed to take it as a matter of course. All I know is that I won't take the train if I ever need to get somewhere on a schedule. 

Regardless, we did make it to Tucson in the end. We've just finished our first day of new teacher training, and I'm writing this on my new (like, seriously brand new 17 inch) school laptop. So, so far so good! Also, can I point out that driving from Reno to Tucson takes a stupidly long time? It totally does. At any rate, that's about all I've got to say right now. Hopefully soon I'll have a blog post where I can put up some pictures. I'd love to write about our canyoneering trip we did on Saturday, but someone I know might take their time getting those pictures to me. Something about a new baby or something. Anyway, I'll call it a day here. This is Captain Danger out.

1 comment:

  1. "Some one I know might take a long time getting them to me. something about a new baby". i laughed at that one!
